We provide logistics services that can manage and improve supply-chain management
Combine the convenience of having raw materials and finished products “at home” with the expertise of a partner logistics service that is able to monitor and improve the supply-chain management.
The development of partnerships capillaries through a network of qualified partners on the Italian and European territory with stores dedicated and multi-client agreement (inherent) or directly in the factories of the customer (onsite), you can support any requirement of the supply chain by providing solutions which may include storage, pick & pack, distribution “just in time” and so on.
Our models cover the entire logistics flow from collection from suppliers, management of collection centers, transport planning inbound and outbound logistics establishments by filling the gap with the shipment to the receiver that it is in the national territory or abroad.

The warehouse is a very important component in any strategy of production and distribution together with the ring represents both the initial and final supply chain.
In logistics platforms located around the country affiliated Boriani takes care of all your needs in warehousing and distribution, providing advanced logistical solutions which may include storage, pick & pack, filling / emptying containers, withdraw from suppliers with collection and distribution of deliveries.
Boriani in customs causes the bonded warehouse becomes a strategic tool. The bonded warehouse also allows it to offer a wide range of value-added services such as inventory to the foreign state, VAT and tax deposit.
The services of storage and distribution that Boriani proposes are the following:
- Receipt, control and storage products
- Logistics of collection and distribution
- Logistics inbound / outbound
- Managing inventory levels and programming supplies
- Inventoried goods lying in stock
- Picking & packing
- Phytosanitary treatment or fumigation ISPM 15 FAO
- Order picking, labeling and marking
- Issuing transport documents
- Data Integration and procedures
- Storage to the foreign state
- VAT Tax Filing and Storage

We manage for some of our customers some merchandise stores that have chosen to outsource the management of some of their stores to retrieve the flexibility at the same time guaranteeing a high quality of services.
The flexibility of our company allows the use of both human resources and handling of different sources, absorbing bits and demand variations. The customer, in this way, has the guarantee of profitably use, without the risk of immobilizing resources.
The services that are Boriani proposes the following:
- Supply chain management according to the logistic models adopted by the customer and his needs
- Management of distribution centers/li>
- Warehouse management internal customers to the establishments
- Management of warehouses on consignment

Boriani in import and export organizes all the filling and emptying of the containers to their affiliated stores adjacent to the port terminals.
- Organize the withdrawal of containers filled at the terminal of landing, the transfer of the same to specialized warehouses for emptying, unlashing and subsequent storage of the material, dividing the goods on the basis of commercial and logistical needs of the customer.
- While the filling is organizing the collection of the material at the warehouses of the customer, the transfer of the same to specialized warehouses and equipped to perform all the operations of withdrawal empty containers at terminals and filling them, taking care to ensure an adequate dunnage and lashing suitable for maritime transport and subsequent introduction of the terminal boarding.